Worrying about tomorrow... or next week... or next year...

There is some verse in the Bible about not worrying about tomorrow when today has worries of its own. I'm not sure who said it, and I'm not even sure what book it is in. At any rate, they seemed to be speaking directly to me.

Or, at least, my mother and my husband think so. They never fail to tell me the same thing, in so many words, when I start worrying about things in the far future.

And I know they are right. But it doesn't stop my mind from going there.

If I could plan my life out right now, I would, but I can't. I don't know what is going to happen tomorrow, next week, or next year. That is scary for me.

I have been more stressed than usual, because my life is changing. I'm heading back to school to become a mental health counselor. I have all of my "now" bases covered. I have enough money saved up for the first year's tuition. My current employers are working with my school schedule, so I'll still be able to work. My books are ordered and on their way.

So I should feel pretty good about where I'm at, right?

Wrong. While I should be concentrating on what is going on right now, I am trying to map out the next 4 years of my life. I am trying to make sure I'll have enough money saved up for every step of the way. Unfortunately this is something I cannot do at this time. And it is upsetting.

I am blessed to have a husband and a mother that think more rationally about these things than I do. I don't like hearing what they have to say, but as I tell them about my fears and concerns about our lives 4 years from now, they say the same thing: Don't worry about something that is so far off. Concentrate on what you can do now.

So what can I do? Continue to be frugal with money. Concentrate on doing well in school. Know that I are resilient and can handle obstacles. Deal with bad scenarios when they happen, don't think about them beforehand.

Why should I be in a constant state of worry for four years? If I can control what I can control right now, that will be better.

Staying in the present will always be a struggle for me. I'm sure it is for many of you, too. But we can make it through.

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